Primary production of energy from renewable sources
28 Jul 2017Egypt scored the highest primary production of energy from renewable sources in the Arab region. Read More -
The Arab Region’s Trade as percentage of GDP
02 Dec 2016The Arab region is outstandingly rich in oil and gas and the relatively low level of economic diversification leads to a persistent dependence on these commodities for growth. Read More -
The Arab Region and Human Development
02 Dec 2016The Arab region witnessed an improvement in its Human Development Index (HDI) [1], an index that combines three dimensions of human development, namely health, education, and living standards, from 0.618 in 2000 to 0.708 in 2021. In fact, this overall gain hides regional variations; while the HDI reached a value of 0.911 in the United Arab Emirates, it registered a low of 0.455 in SomaliaRead More -
GDP of the Arab Countries
02 Dec 2016The Gross Domestic Product per capita, purchasing power parity (current international dollars), of the Arab regionRead More -
Labor Force Participation
02 Dec 2016Employment share is the highest in services followed by industry then by agricultureRead More -
Gender Parity Index
02 Dec 2016The Gender Parity Index reached 1.0 at the pre-primary and tertiary levels and 0.9 at the primary and secondary stages in 2014.Read More -
Population Growth in the Arab Region
02 Dec 2016By mid-2015, the Arab region was home to 392.4 million inhabitants representing 5% of the world population and growing by 2% in 2015. Read More -
Women's Political Participation in the Arab Region
30 May 2016The political space remains the most challenging for women in the Arab region. Women’s political participation has improved in the last sixteen years but is still limited. The proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments considerably increased from 3.8% in 2000 to 18.7% in 2015, but is still lower than the world average of 22.5% in 2015.Read More -
Education Attainment in Arab Countries
30 May 2016Education attainment in Arab countries shows remarkable disparities among different countries. Moreover, many parts of the Arab region have endured, or continue to endure, armed conflict and violent clashes, with grave impacts on the education attainment of children.Read More -
Renewable Water Resources in the Arab Region
26 May 2016Renewable water resources per inhabitant in the Arab Region reached 650 m3 in 2014, compared to a World average of about 6,000 m3 per inhabitant, placing 13 out of 22 Arab countries in the category of severe water scarcity at less than 500 m3 per capita.Read More -
Stunting and Wasting of Children Under Five
26 May 2016To have a comprehensive picture on stunting and wasting of children under five in the region, many countries are urged to update their data on the SDGs indicators. According to latest available data on stunting, the highest prevalence is found in Yemen at 46.8% in 2013, while the lowest rate is observed in Palestine at 7.4% in 2014. On wasting, the highest rates are found in Yemen and Sudan at 16.3% and 16.2% in 2013 and 2014 respectively, while the lowest rate is also observed in Palestine at 1.2% in 2014.Read More -
Gender-Based Disparities in the Labor Market
26 May 2016Gender-based disparities continue in the labor market in the Arab region, where women face a higher risk of unemployment and more barriers to entry to the labor market. Though women’s unemployment rate in the Arab region has decreased over the last sixteen years from 22.4% in 2000 to 19.96% in 2015, it is still very high compared to men’s unemployment rate of 8.96% and to the world average of 6.2%.Read More -
Gender-Based Disparities in the Labor Market
26 May 2016Gender-based disparities continue in the labor market in the Arab region, where women face a higher risk of unemployment and more barriers to entry to the labor market. Though women’s unemployment rate in the Arab region has decreased over the last sixteen years from 22.4% in 2000 to 19.96% in 2015, it is still very high compared to men’s unemployment rate of 8.96% and to the world average of 6.2%.Read More -
Electrification Rate in the Arab Region
26 May 2016The electrification rate in most of the Arab countries is above the world average of 84.6%. 16 out of the 22 Arab countries have access rates above 90%. Yet, such a measure might be misleading. Data on electricity consumption per capita indicates that Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, and Yemen have a consumption level below the world average of 3.03 MWh in 2013.Read More -
Maternal Mortality in the Arab Region
26 May 2016Despite the protracted humanitarian and economic situation, the Arab region’s average maternal mortality rate has decreased from 238 per 100,000 live births in 2000 to 156 per 100,000 live births in 2015, compared to a world average of 216 per 100,000 live births in 2015. The regional maternal mortality rate hides high discrepancies between Arab countries, with maternal mortality ranging from 4 per 100,000 live births in Kuwait to 732 per 100,000 live births in Somalia in 2015.Read More -
Refugees and IDPs in the Arab Region
26 May 2016By mid-2015, the Arab region hosted 11.6 million refugees and was home to 16.7 million internally displaced persons (IDPs), representing 58% of world refugees and making up 47% of the world IDPs.Read More