This paper empirically investigates the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries using a structural vector autoregressive model. The results indicate that the interest rate and bank lending channels are relatively...Read More
As Saudi Arabia’s oil export revenues constitute about 90% of its budget, its fiscal policy is largely a function of developments in the oil market. Over the years, a countercyclical fiscal stance has been used to reduce the volatility of domestic growth against the...Read More
Saudi Arabia is an open economy that has adopted a fixed exchange rate regime between its currency, the riyal and the US dollar. However, the recent financial crisis in the US has had a negative impact on Saudi Arabia’s inflation rates and has led to postpone the...Read More
The main aim of this paper is to explore empirically the validity of the monetary thesis of inflation in the small open developing economy of the United Arab of Emirates.
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Under Article IV of the IMF’s Articles of Agreement, the IMF holds bilateral discussions with members, usually every year. In the context of the 2013 Article IV consultation with United Arab Emirates, the following documents have been released.
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The UAE’s Union Law 10 of 1980 stresses that one of the major tasks of the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates is to “support the currency, maintain its stability and ensure its free convertibility into foreign currencies”. In practice, this has translated into...Read More
This joint Report attempts to contribute to understanding the key factors determining future prosperity and economic growth in the Arab world. It offers policy-makers and business leaders an important tool in improving economic policies and implementing institutional...Read More
This policy note underlines the fact that despite the government’s substantial commitment to supporting the private sector and SMEs, financing granted in the last decade has plateaued at roughly 64 to 68 percent of GDP. This is because there are still a number of...Read More
This analysis of the Tunisian tax incentives regime was conducted by the OECD Tax and Development Programme at the request of the Tunisian Ministry of Finance. Following discussions with the government, the OECD agreed to conduct a review of the Tunisian tax incentive...Read More