In all the population and housing censuses that were conducted in Sudan, information on nuptiality categories are always sought as basic demographic information, and the 2008 Population and Housing Census was not an exception. This is largely because marriage and...Read More
In the 2008 Sudan 5th Population Census direct questions were used to derive estimates of maternal death based on a 10 percent sample of all enumerated households in the Short Questionnaire. The questions wered addressed to the household head asking for married females...Read More
The 2008 census included a household information on the socioeconomic characteristics of usual residents and visitors who had spent previous night in the selected household.
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The analysis of migration here is based on information collected in the 2008 census through questions on place of birth, place of enumeration as well as questions on place of usual residence and duration of stay in a particular area within the country.
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The classification by sex has been part of Sudan census from its very beginning. The 2008 Sudan census has provided all the tabulation by sex for urban, rural and nomad to enable such an analysis both at macro and micro levels. This chapter aims to bring together data...Read More
The census provide valuable information on disability as the only available source of information in many countries. Census results provide also baseline data and may be useful and can be utilized for estimating prevalence of disability and the prevalence of...Read More