This year’s CAPE conference will explore budgeting in the real world. Real-world budgeting can have multiple meanings. First, it evokes an idea of budgeting that is messier and more political: a broadening of scope. Second, ‘real world’ suggests a focus on budgeting as...Read More
This paper reports on progress in supporting efforts to strengthen the PDM framework in developing economies, with a special focus on the needs of LICs. It highlights lessons learned in the development and implementation of the toolkits designed for this purpose, and...Read More
This paper describes the compilation of the first truly comprehensive database on gross government debt-to-GDP ratios, covering nearly the entire IMF membership (174 countries) and spanning an exceptionally long time period. The database was constructed by bringing...Read More
This report aims to provide the emerging lessons from a representative sample of case studies that could help policy makers to address imple- mentation challenges, including overcoming political economy and affordability constraints, by looking at complementary...Read More
This paper identifies the issues that need to be discussed when analyzing the fiscal and social costs of fuel subsidies. Using examples from analyses recently undertaken for five countries, it also identifies the magnitude of consumer subsidies and their fiscal...Read More
This report is intended to help shape the debate around financing Education For All (EFA) in an increasingly resource-constrained world, and outlines various policy options and interventions which could help to scale up more ‘equitable’ models of domestic financing for...Read More
The toolkit specifically discusses strategies and options to facilitate small busi- ness compliance with the tax system. It thus addresses one—although a particularly important—element of MSE formalization. Providing sufficient incentives for formal- ization has much...Read More
Resource-rich developing countries (RRDCs) face the challenges of transforming resource wealth into other assets that support sustained development, while also maintaining mechanisms to avoid the boom- bust cycles that stem from volatility in natural resource revenues...Read More
We develop simple diagrams that can be used by undergraduates to understand interest rate setting by policy- makers. We combine an ination target, Fisher equation, policy reaction function and short and long run aggregate supply analysis to give a depiction of the...Read More
This paper provides a how-to guide to model-based forecasting and monetary policy analysis. It describes a simple structural model, along the lines of those in use in a number of central banks. This workhorse model consists of an aggregate demand (or IS) curve, a price...Read More