Chapter 9 of the book "Towards Arab and Euro-Med Regional Integration" by Sebastien Dessus, Julia Devlin and Raed Safadi. It explores the extent to which integration among Arab states can be used to assist MENA economics in developing global comparative advantage by...Read More
This paper asks what can be learned from the European integration experience for efforts to pursue Arab integration. We do not address the issue whether there is (or will
be) political support for greater economic integration instead we investigate what the incentives...Read More
Chapter 2 of the book "Arab Economic Integration: Between Hope and Reality" by Ahmed Galal, Bernard M. Hoekman. This chapter addresses the following questions: What economic and political factors have stood in the way of integration up to now? How have other regions...Read More
This paper assesses trade liberalization strategies for achieving economic prosperity in Tunisia and Egypt. The analysis considers deep integration through the coordination of regulatory procedures and the liberalization of barriers to trade in services.
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Arab countries have experienced several attempts of regional integration among themselves. Their attempts were relatively modest in terms of enhancing regional trade. This study has the main objective of drawing lessons from the European Union (EU) experience in the...Read More
The seventh Annual Review of Developments in Globalization and Regional Integration in the Arab Countries, 2008, addresses the most important developments in the Arab countries as they endeavour to achieve regional economic integration and get involved in globalization...Read More
The current political turmoil for more open and participative societies in many Arab countries coupled with the emergence of new growth poles around the world could create the conditions for a big push toward greater regional and global trade integration of the Arab...Read More
Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Co-author Khalid Sekkat, The World Bank 2013
Deauville partnership report on trade and foreign direct investment volume 1.
Leadership is needed in both Partnership countries and Deauville partners to provide a credible long-term vision and explain the mutual benefits of economic integration. One such powerful...Read More
September 1995 The countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) have lost the geographic advantage they used to have because of their proximity to the European Union at a time when Eastern Europe was effectively closed to open exchange with the West.
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